• (844) 331-2755

Package Options

What We Do
For You






Description Premium Standard Basic
  Complete Database Package User and Admin Logins 5 Database forms with 5 fields each
  Multiple User types, Access Levels, Reporting, Logins, Data Printing, Data update, Delete, Create User and Admin Login, Data inserting, updating and deleting. Reports generation, Admin Panel 5 Database forms with their front-end and backend table view. Database table creation included.
Setup Admin Panel       
Import/Export Data       
Tables Added  20 10 5
Delivery Time 30 Days
15 Days (+$150.00)
20 Days
12 Days (+$100.00)
10 Days
6 Days (+$15.00)
Total $585.00 $460.00 $100.00

About This Service

If you really desire excellent DATABASE design and development for your PROJECT, you need a Creative DATABASE team of expert designers and developers. Our database specialists have the required skills and expertise combined with experience that will match your individual requirement specifications of your database project. As you know, successful database development depends on hiring someone with superb skills in database coding, as having a great idea for the database is just the beginning.

We work as a TEAM and our Specialists are:

  • PHP script writers, logic builders, Reports Generation experts
  • Back-end Developers
  • Front-end designer and Developers
  • MySQL, SQL, and MySQLi Developers

We can divide your project into different modules and each module will be developed and tested completely by the developer team, so that you can have a feel of our smooth-running process.

The final product will meet your requirements as specified, and free from any exceptions.

Also, we can give you the best suggestions on Database Design & Development, including solutions concerning your project.




DB type

  • Access
  • MySQL
  • Oracle